Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fuckery: (n.)

Lets be real here, we've all come to a point in our life at least a couple times where we come to a conclusion that food is utter fuckery. I've developed quite a negative relationship with food these past couple of years and after some self evaluating, I've concluded that I need stop being a little pussy and get in fucking good shape. You bitches only get one body, take good care of it. Yes some serious changes might need to be made, but I know I can get my shit together. Make them haters jealous. More inportantly, I want to be content and confident with myself. No regrets. The only thing I'm regretting right now is the ridiculous amout of Nutella I ate last night.

Fuckery: n. derivative of the word fuck; absolute bullshit; utter nonsense
What kind of fuckery is this?